Online Physio Consultations

Online Consultations

With the recent Government changes brought in nationally across the UK due to COVID-19, we have decided to launch a *Brand New Service* here at the Physio & Sports Injury clinic in Rhos on Sea.

Introducing - *Online Physio Consultations*

We are offering an alternative to our normal face2face appointments in-house with our new Online Video Consultations. This an be done whichever platform you can use: Zoom, FaceTime or Skype.

We will be providing Online Assessment and Remote Treatment for all types of aches and pains or injuries (head to toe). This will involve about 80% of what we normally would do in clinic (basically just without the hands-on bit).

Online Physiotherapy Consultations are now available here at The Physio and Sports Injury clinic in Rhos on Sea. Assessment and Treatment available to you online via secure video call.

What does an Online Consultation involve?

  1. We will take a detailed history (as normal) including what has happened and how it came on.

  2. Discuss any contributing factors which may have caused the problem. (Sports people - we will also assess your training plans here too).

  3. Assess full body movement, balance and flexibility.

  4. Provide you with our Clinical Impression of what’s going on & the Prognosis for recovery.

  5. Provide you with a full Rehab Plan to follow:

    This will include lots of guidance & top-tips to help get your injury better, activity modifications, lots of remedial self-stretching & mobilising and Strength-based exercises (using bands or weights). **Don’t worry, we will run through all your exercises and the correct technique live with you on the call.

  6. Email a full copy of your rehab plan so you don;t have to take any notes! You can of course email us anytime too to ask for any more help/guidance.

  7. Lastly we will set a date for your next Check-in with us for about a weeks time (normally we will follow up with you weekly over a few weeks until you are happy with the progress).

Who are Online Consultations suitable for?

  • Anyone who is self-isolating ✅

  • People who still want to keep active but can’t use a gym at the moment ✅

  • You want to make the most of your time off at home ✅

  • You are halfway through treatment and don’t want to stop ✅

  • Anyone who’s been putting off getting any aches or pains sorted ✅

  • Wants assess to expert Physio advice at half the price of face to face care? ✅

  • If you want to start some outdoor activities e.g. running (and would like to be set up with the perfect training programme). ✅

If you have health insurance through: BUPA, AXA, AVIVA or Vitality - they have just authorised remote consultations with us too.

So if this sounds like something you would like to try, then Click the Link below to enquire about an online consultation with us.