The Physio & Sports Injury Clinic

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5 ways to Boost your Immune System

Five ways to help Boost your Immune System to avoid any Coughs, Colds or COVID!

As we approach Autumn and Winter here in the UK its time to focus our attention towards our health even more now. The weather is starting to turn, the nights are drawing in, we all eat far too much and probably don’t exercise enough! Staying healthy should therefore be on top of everyones priority list right now.

We need a strong and healthy immune system to fight off disease. Our immune function is influenced by variables, such as our nutritional status, lifestyle and stress load. There is however, no guarantee that a strong immune system will provide absolute protection from whatever illness comes along next, but ensuring that your system is functioning optimally lowers the risk of catching something immediately.

So, let’s look at the five essential ways you can potentially give your immune system a boost!

5 Top tips to give your immune system a boost!

  1. Get your daily dose of Vitamins/Minerals.

    Vitamin D: We normally get our daily dose of vitamin D from sunlight, but from October - March here in North Wales that can be rather absent at times. Therefore its wise to make sure you get a daily dose of Vitamin D in the diet. You can boost this naturally by eating things like fish with tiny bones (e.g. sardines, mackerel or tinned salmon) or you can opt for a simple tablet supplement (10micrograms) or cod liver oil. Please note, vitamin D tablets should not be taken if you are on certain medications so check with your GP or pharmacist first if you take other things already.

    Vitamin C: Citrus Fruits, Peppers, Kale, Broccoli / Brussels sprouts

    Zinc: Cahshew nuts, Cheese, Eggs, Shellfish and Animal protein.

  2. Get more Sleep?
    We know that the immune system recharges while we sleep, by creating more white blood cells (the cells that fight off harmful bacteria and viruses). Regular sleep deprivation can reduce our ability to fight off infection, so make sure you try and get a regular 7-9 hours sleep every night. (Lack of sleep is also a risk factor for injury too).

  3. Lower your stress levels!

    Stress can weaken the immune system long term. It weakens it by increasing your blood sugar levels (and blood pressure) through producing extra hormones released into the blood stream. This consequently triggers inflammation round the body and makes the immune system work way harder than it should. More inflammation harms the balance of bacteria in your gut, meaning your body may lose minerals needed to keep the immune system strong!

    To help this - Try adding some Mindfulness into your day (e.g. get outdoors for some fresh air, Try the Headspace app, Start Yoga or try some Acupuncture or get a Deep tissue Massage with us here?).

  4. Drink more fluids?

    When I talk about fluids, I don’t mean Alcohol or fizzy drinks. A lot of bottled/canned drinks are full of sugars to give to them a shelf-life but sadly loads of sugar weakens your immune system. Instead make sure you are getting enough water/juice each day! People on the whole don’t drink the recommended 2L of water a day, and tend to be very dehydrated - which is more stress on the body.

  5. Exercise!

    I saved this one until last as it is rather important. Exercise is a huge component of being healthy (and we all should know that). Lacking exercise in your lifestyle generally leads to increased sugars being stored as fat, increasing the inflammatory rate around your body. Just like everything - Exercise has to be done in moderation still, as over doing anything (too much too soon) can over-stress the body too! That’s why its good to work with a Physio or gym PT to help set you a goal and fitness routine to work to safely without hurting yourself.

So there you have it, our 5 top tips to help Boost your Immune System right now. Remember, you can’t just boost the immune system overnight by taking a tablet. It will take time for the body to respond to any of the options above. With patience, a positive change can be made.

Thanks for reading.

Tel. 01492 545 291

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